
Partnere ramt af coronavirus

Siden Covid-19 brød ud, har vi fra sekretariatet i Danmark fulgt nøje med i den indiske håndtering af pandemien og forsøgt at navigere i et helt nyt terræn med vores partnere. Vores projekter er blevet udskudt, rettet til og monitoreret efter den nye virkelighed – vi har heldigvis været relativt forskånet for Covid-19, men det har desværre ændret sig nu. Tre af vores samarbejdspartnere sætter her ord på den nuværende situation.


To af CECOWORs ansatte blev i starten af måneden testet positive for corona, men er i bedring og forventer snart at være helt raske. En del af de ansatte er blevet vaccineret. Der er dog stadig flere ansatte der er bange for vaccinen pga. myter om folk der er døde umiddelbart efter de fik første stik. Lederen af CECOWOR fortæller at det har hjulpet at se kollegaerne blive vaccineret uden problemer, så flere har nu takket ja til vaccinen. Alle håber på at hverdagen snart bliver så normal som mulig, men rygterne om en tredje bølge på vej skaber stor bekymring. I projektgrupperne arbejder vi i øjeblikket på at tilpasse projekterne, så mål og aktiviteter bliver realistiske at implementere i den resterende projektperiode.


SRD, som Aktion Børnehjælp samarbejder med om uddannelse, fødevaresikkerhed og vandforsyning, har sendt følgende status:

Greetings from SRD team! Amidst the pandemic which plays havoc in India by the Grace of God we are safe.

The community spread of the virus of the second wave has really hit very hard in rural villages unlike the first phase which affected mostly in towns and cities and to certain extent to rural areas. This time the loss of lives in rural areas have been numerous.

The lockdown restrictions are continuing and due to which now the spread is being controlled. However we are unable to resume normal life and we are not allowed to go out as the police is very strict. Fines are imposed vehicles are seized and cases are booked. These restrictions prevent us to go ahead with the plan [landbrugsprojekt til gavn for de hårdest ramte familier, støttet af AB] and we are hopeful that by the end of June we will have access to the villages and by then we will be able to go ahead with the plan.

The people are managing with difficulties and they are supporting each other for subsistence. They are scared of the spread of the virus. However they are surviving.

Thanks for your support and solidarity


Vores fadderskabspartner CPC er også hårdt ramt af pandemien. Father Malaiyappan kommer her med sidste nye opdatering.

On 30th April I visited a few sponsored children and I was affected by Covid-19 and on 7th May I was admitted in St. Thomas hospital Chennai for the treatment. Reports suggested that 63% of my lungs got infected an I went through severe treatment. And it is really a miracle that I was saved. Now I got discharged from the hospital and I have to be in quarantine for two weeks.

Mrs. Sophia secretary and Emelda who was rendering voluntary service in the administration of CPC Project were also affected by Covid-19 and few sponsored childrens also got infected. They are all in the hospital please continue to pray for the people of India.

Thousands of people are dying of corona. More than 500 Priests and Nuns died in Tamil Nadu alone and in India during the second wave. The second wave spreads very fast and for more than a month we are in lockdown. We are unable to go anywhere. So many people are suffering without food.

Once again my heart felt thanks to you for all your help and support. Best wisher to you from all the children and be assured of our sincere prayers.

Yours Sincerely Fr. S. Malaiyappan

I Aktion Børnehjælp samler vi fortsat ind til at kunne støtte, hvor der er størst behov. For 90 kroner kan du være med til at hjælpe fattige familier igennem corona-krisen.